MySQL Settings

MySQL Configuration

The following settings files in the project codebase can be used to override default MySQL settings:

  • .docksal/etc/mysql/my.cnf

Copy examples/.docksal/etc from the Docksal project repo into the .docksal folder in your project repo and modify as necessary.

Apply changes with fin project restart (fin p restart).

Using Different MySQL Versions

When using the default stack (a custom project stack is not defined in .docksal/docksal.yml), switching can be done via the DB_IMAGE variable in .docksal/docksal.env, e.g.:


This can also be set with fin config set.

fin config set DB_IMAGE='docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.7'

Remember to run fin project start (fin p start) to apply the configuration.

Different MySQL versions may not be fully compatible. A complete db service reset (fin project reset db) might be necessary followed by a DB re-import.

Available images:

  • MySQL 5.5 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.5
  • MySQL 5.6 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.6 (default)
  • MySQL 5.7 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-5.7
  • MySQL 8.0 - docksal/db:1.1-mysql-8.0

There are also “edge” versions available that contain code from ongoing updates, but may not be stable. Don’t switch to an edge image unless directed to do so by the Docksal team for testing purposes only.